
The most basic form element – taking text input.

  let cardNumber = '';

  placeholder="1234 5678 9012 3456"
  error={cardNumber.startsWith('2') && 'We do not serve your bank.'}
<TextField withItem itemRight type="number" noSpinner>
  <span class="item dollar">$</span>
<TextField outline label="Username" withItem>
  <AtSignIcon size="24" class="item" />
<TextField type="search" />

Properties #

Style Properties

outline false boolean Whether the text field should have outline styling.
withItem false boolean Whether there will be something permanent inside the field like an icon. By default, this item is placed to the left of the input area.
itemRight false boolean Whether the item should be placed to the right of the input area.

Functional Properties

value null string or number The current value of the text field. Converted to a number if type="number".
multiline false boolean Whether the text field should allow multiple lines (<textarea> will be used instead of the <input>).
id null string The ID to assign to the input.
noSpinner false boolean Whether to hide the spinner (arrow buttons inside <input type="number">).
label null string The label to show above the text field. Only works with outline text fields.
error null string The error message to show under the text field.
autofocus false boolean Whether the field should be focused on mount.
events [] Array List of handlers for the Events action: [{ name, handler }].
... any Everything else will be passed to the underlying <input> or <textarea> element.

Class Properties

All <TextField> components use the .text-field class.

Falsy values passed to classes will be disregarded.

class null string A class string to add to the component.
inputClass null string A class string to assign to the <input> or <textarea> element.
labelClass null string A class string to assign to the <label> for the outline text fields.
errorClass null string A class string to add to the error message under the text field.

Events #

Event Detail
input { value, nativeEvent } Fired when any character is added or removed in the text field. The value has the current value of the value property and nativeEvent holds the native input event.
change { value, nativeEvent } Fired when a change to the field's value is confirmed (with Enter or by unfocusing). The value has the current value of the value property and nativeEvent holds the native change event.
focus { nativeEvent } Fired when the field gains focus. The nativeEvent holds the native focus event.
blur { nativeEvent } Fired when the field loses focus. The nativeEvent holds the native blur event.
keydown { nativeEvent } Fired when any key is pressed inside the text field (not necessarily printable). Can be used to handle Enter key presses. The nativeEvent holds the native keydown event.

Slots #

Default slot

If the withItem property is specified, this holds the item for the text field. By default it is positioned to the left of the input area, but can be moved to the right with the itemRight property.

Important: for correct positioning, the element that is placed inside this slot should have the .icon class.

SCSS Variables #

$main The color of the focused text field border.
$textfield-border The border color of the unselected text field.
rgba(0, 0, 0, .42)
$textfield-bg The background color of the text field.
$textfield-item The default color of the item inside the text field.
$textfield-bg-error The background color of the text field when an invalid value is entered.
$danger The color of the item and the field border when an invalid value is entered.
$dark The border color of the disabled text field (will be transparentized).
$disabled The text color of the disabled text field.
$font The font family of the text inside the text field. 'Ubuntu'
$thin-font-weight The thin font weight for the text inside the text field. 300
$bold-font-weight The bold font weight for the error text and the item that's positioned to the left of the input area. 500
$x-icon Only applicable to <input type="search"> in WebKit browsers. If you wish to use a custom icon for the X that clears the field's value, supply a URL to the icon here. Feather Icons' X as a data URL
$textfield-outline-radius The border-radius of the text field when using the outline variant 1.5625em