
A responsive form field skeleton – providing a way to label and describe the field.

Note that this component doesn't add any form handling capabilities; it is merely presentational.

Write this and not that.
* Required
  let happy = false;

  name="Main field"
  help="Write this and not that."
  <TextField />
  name="Secondary field"
  <TextField />
  errors={[happy && 'Not happy enough']}
  <Switch bind:value={happy} />

Properties #

Functional Properties

name null string The name of the form field. Displayed prominently next to the actual field.
help null string The subtitle text under the name providing extra guidance.
id null string The ID to add the the for attribute of the <label> element containing the name. Useful if you pass an ID to the actual field inside and want to connect it with the label.
required false boolean Marks the form field as required, adding an asterisk to the name and text under the field indicating that the field is mandatory.
optional false boolean Marks the form field as optional, explicitly stating the optionality of the field in the text under the field.
errors [] Array An array of error messages to display under the field. Falsy elements are not shown.

Class Properties

All <FormField> components use the .form-field class.

Falsy values passed to classes will be disregarded.

class null string A class string to add to the component.
nameClass null string A class string to add to the <label> containing the form field name.
helpClass null string A class string to add to the help text of the form field.

Slots #

Default slot

The content of the form field – the actual field itself.

description slot

Additional content to put in the form field description block, after the name and the help. If you want a completely custom description, don't pass the name and help props and just use this slot.

message slot

Additional text to put underneath the actual field along with the messages like "required", "optional" and errors.

required-message slot

Text to display under the field when it is marked as required. Defaults to "* Required".

optional-message slot

Text to display under the field when it is marked as optional. Defaults to "Optional".

SCSS Variables #

$main The color of neutral status messages like "required" and "optional".
$danger The color of error messages.
$thin-font-weight The thin font weight of the help text and the status messages under the field'. 300